A soulful setting
AV Soul’s workshop sits on the boundary of UNESCO World Heritage Site, Saltaire, Shipley, Yorkshire. Built in 1851 by Sir Titus Salt, its combination of quality housing, employment, recreation, and social services represented a landmark example of enlightened 19th century urban planning. The town’s spirit of making and care of the people and the process of making, not forgetting the quality of what gets made, make for a perfect setting for our workshop.

Made in Britain by our master craftsmen
We are fortunate to have a staff of highly skilled hand craftsmen, meaning craftsmanship of the highest quality is born in all the pieces of furniture we create.
The combination of BA honours degrees in furniture making and years of experience amongst the team means we can call upon centuries of traditional British craftsmanship to craft the highest quality materials into beautiful furniture.

Mastery of natural materials
The uniqueness of each piece of wood we work and the natural materials we use lend themselves to the creation of a living piece of furniture. Furniture with life and spirit. Whether your custom-made furniture demands the perfection found in nature, or the unique and messy chaos of untamed wood grain – our access to the finest natural sources for the materials we use allow us a mastery of all that nature blesses us with.

Stuart. AV Soul’s founder
Specialist AV furniture is our thing. It has become our calling. Having done an apprenticeship with a local firm in Yorkshire who specialised in producing high-end furniture that was exported to Belgium & Germany, AV Soul’s founder, Stuart, was quickly moved to the “specialist team” who concentrated on reproduction antique furniture.

The growth of the Stump furniture family
Identifying an opportunity to use reclaimed timber to make bespoke furniture, Stuart’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to start his own business – Stump – in 1998. In nurturing this highly successful niche business Stuart has grown and expanded, employing a ‘family like’ group of talented craftsmen – each reveling in the opportunity to bring customers design ideas to life.

A growing reputation with AV forums
Stuart and Stump soon grew a great reputation amongst the active and passionate community on AV forums. The rave reviews and noise generated by the community became Stump’s calling. With each new piece of AV furniture created Stuart’s team grew in knowledge and most importantly passion for creating the very best, perfect fit, custom-made AV furniture. With this calling – New shoots grew from Stump – and AV Soul was born.